Please join us at the Cowgirl Christmas in San Louis Obisbo Please note this is a new location! Cowgirl Christmas has moved to
The Trinity Hall/Portuguese Holy Spirit Society Building, 6565 Edna Road, San Luis Obispo, California 93401, located at the Intersection of Highway 227(Broad Street) and Price Canyon. Saturday, November 24th 10am-5pm. Over 60 Western Vendors in 1 place. Now booking vendors and sponsors for this great family event. Contact Kimber Black #805)260-6529 for applications.
What is a Cowgirl Untamed?
What is a Cowgirl Untamed? A cowgirl untamed is complex gal, but she knows who she is, where she's been and where she's going. She goes through life not giving a rip about societies shortsighted definitions of who a woman is and how she is suppose to act. She works hard, and plays harder. Her attitude is go big or go home! When she walks into the room, she's noticed: her clothing, her jewelry, her personality, and / or her slightly wonky ways. She'll be in bed early enough to get up the next morning for work at the factory or office or on the ranch. She doesn't take any crap, is fearless in life, and rides her horse like she stole it. She dances like nobody is watching. She believes in God, her horse, her family, her country, and most importantly herself. She is who we are or want to be, because she knows how to live life to its fullest. Her great, great grandchildren will still be talking about her. She's a legend in the making.